Family Meal Plan for the Month of April!

Creating a family meal plan for each month of the year is the only way for me to stay somewhat sane at the dinner time hour. 

Here I will share our family meal plan for the month of April 2023! 

This includes our Easter celebration which we spend at my parents house and I can't tell you how freeing it is to plan ahead what we are bringing and having all the ingredients ready to go! 

The week before Easter is typically quite busy for us with lots of liturgical ceremonies throughout Holy Week so meal planning is just another helpful tool that makes family dinners easy! 


Here are some notes that you might be interested in concerning this meal plan:

  • It was Easter so I bought Easter candy + Easter Treats
  • I don’t buy all the fruits and veggies for our dinner time sides. The goal is to always have fresh fruits, veggies and salads on hand but I do like to keep frozen veggies and canned fruits always stocked so that I have options in a quick fix. 
  • I typically run to our local grocery store once a week or every other week to buy the milk and produce that we need for the week.
  • We also always keep a couple things stocked for easy meals such as frozen salmon, items for Homemade Mac N Cheese, Pepperoni and Pizza Dough ingredients for Pizza Night, etc. Family life gets busy and is ever changing and you just never know what will happen.

Walmart Pickup Haul

Here is our Walmart pickup order that I placed for this month. 

Not all the items we eat are pictured here such as milk and produce that I get from our local grocery store each week.


Also we were stocked up on ground beef and chicken at this time so I didn't need to purchase any this month! Win! 

And of course, we had leftover items in the pantry as well that we will be using in this month's meals that aren't pictured as well such as the taco shells. 

This pickup order came to a total of: $254.56


Another win...helpful kids! It is so good for them to be given a task that they can accomplish to help them feel like a contributing member of the family. :) 

This is my oldest organizing the fridge and putting the groceries away after bringing home the Walmart pickup. 

Moms, you don't have to do everything! Give them a chance to prove themselves. 

Here are the dinners planned in our family meal plan for April:

5 meals of Pepperoni Pizza, Cucumbers, baby carrots, ranch

4 meals of Tacos, Black Beans, pineapple

2 meals of Sausage Chili, Cornbread, canned fruit

2 meals of Lentil Soup, bread or muffins or brown rice, canned fruit

2 meals of Hamburgers, Broccoli, Potatoes

4 meals of Bean Burritos (recipe here), Lettuce, Tomatoes, Salsa, pineapple

3 meals of Chicken Noodle Soup, Broccoli, Bread

2 meals of Veggie Lasagna, Salad

4 meals of White chicken chili and chips, fruit

2 meals of Split Pea Soul, bread, fruit

2 meals of Slow Cooker Barley Soup, Bread, fruit

2 meals of Tomato Basil Chicken, noodles, salad, fruit

Easter Meal Plan:

As mentioned, I do not cook the full Easter meal as we celebrate at our parents house and therefore everyone brings a couple of dishes to pass. 

This is what I have planned to bring for Easter Dinner: 

Chocolate Cheesecake

Rhodes Rolls

For our Easter Breakfast here at our home we will be having: 

Cinnamon Rolls 


Hard Boiled Eggs - of course! :) 

Easter Morning Breakfast

Meal Prep:

I typically like to meal prep and cook some of the meat that will be going into the recipes throughout the month. 

This month I:

  • Browned 5 pounds of ground beef
  • Cooked 9 pounds of chicken
  • Browned 4 pounds of original pork sausage

A lot of these meals I will also double and then place the extra in the freezer for another busy night. 

Now that is a gift to your future self! 😉


So there you have it, our family meal plan for the month of April! 

Stay tuned for more culinary escapades.

As always, happy cooking, happy eating, and cherish those moments around the dinner table! Here's to the joy of good food and great company! 🍽️✨